As we go

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Saturday, 15 January 2011


What goes around
comes around
doesn’t sound
that profound,
until we find
folks less kind
and feel inclined
to run aground…
receive the wound
that we found
left us blind
and ever bound
to compound
the daily grind
of mankind
less refined
and undermined:
An underlined
state of mind
that will confound
and resound
and rebound.
What goes around
comes around -

John H Davies
15th January 2011

Friday, 14 January 2011

The Art of Selling (and its relationship to road kill)

I love women.
But after
thirty minutes
with the sales
rep I knew I
would rather
eat a freshly
squashed rabbit
from the tarmac
than purchase
anything she
was selling.

John H Davies
14th January 2011

Thursday, 13 January 2011


Late April is the surest time to find him,
his caravan freshly painted, neat and trim
and bolted down onto a carpet of bluebells
deep pile and double underlayed with bright smells
of sprung spring sinking into the rocky hollow
beside the motorway, umbrella’d by a matriarchal willow.
No gypsy he, though gypsy lust he plied
in grim grey ships until his interest died
and found him setting guns in enfilade
and soothing nervous chargers on Horse Guards Parade.
A spell at the bellows followed until
he lay down his tools and sat so still
on the top step of his ladder that birds will take
the crumbs from his leathered palm and rabbits make
mischief in the wet grass oblivious
of his past, hidden beneath a beard no less obvious
by dint of a single black and white photograph
that’s dusted off for anyone who beats a path
to his bower. No guarantee that he’ll be there:
On Monday he collects water if the weather’s fair;
Tuesday rides the bus to the local library
and breakfasts at Morrisons, routine unlikely to vary
much unless he’s in Australia on a shoestring
where he’ll wait until the bees awake and bring
him home to Shropshire on a nostalgic mist
of milk and honey, foible and fables of dreams lately kissed.

John H Davies
13th January 2011

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Birthday Card

His fifty years were
distilled into a
pale blue envelope
containing a card

(and a joke) purchased
at the last minute
and written rather
hastily in the

front seat of the car
and posted in the
hope the afternoon
collection would get

it the twenty miles
by the following
day, despite the fact
he wasn’t at home.

John H Davies
12 January 2011

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


Is it better
to do one hundred
things quite well
or just excel
at only one?

Would I impress
with a thousand
modest gifts or
simply one
hard fought?

Will we recall
peaks and troughs
of shared life
or just triumph
in the whole?

John H Davies
13th January 2011

Monday, 10 January 2011

New Friends

I know I’m not alone in the world,
and feel a satisfied content
when I consider all my friends
from mainly western countries
of the African continent.

In fact I’m temped to start a
local group of Friends Anonymous
with whom to share the burdens
of untimely deaths
and unexpected legacies
and government budget overspends.

It must be hard
to keep such secrets bottled up
and harder still
to find God fearing, blessed
and trustworthy souls like me – 
models of reliableness and discreetability

willing to accommodate
a well deserved share
of the $47,000,000 (million)
dollars U.S. risk free
“50% for you and 50% for me”

John H Davies
10th January 2011

Sunday, 9 January 2011


I heard the man
on the next door table
hum a tuneless song,
quiet and lamentable.

We’d both been left
back to back alone,
guarding our patch
until the coffee came.
There was no tune

it seemed to say
no need to speak to me
while I fill this
awkward gap with
inharmonious uncertainty.

It resembled a waiting
hum – like the hum
you hear
in the dentist’s
waiting room.

And I heard it once
in the early
hours of a prison night,
waiting for someone
to stab me.

John H Davies
9th January 2011