As we go

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Saturday, 2 July 2011


Rather like
a tiny dressed chicken;
but warm
as it nestled in my palm,
this blind morsel of life,
muscled out,
its miniature ribcage
expanding and contracting
in a staccato rhythm
slowly diminishing
into my cupped hand
until all its premature vigour
was expended,
and round about,
the hedgerows chirruped
in the summer sunshine.

John H Davies
2nd July 2011

Friday, 1 July 2011

Le Marche

A landscape bleached by sun
Distilled by many hundred years,
The subtle distillation
Of man’s toil and tears.

From far horizons, Sybil
Casts her beckoning shadow, now a mantle
To protect the ancient necromancers
Who, it’s said hid Pilate’s lifeless body
In the reddish depths of some demonic lake.

Here along the timeless pathways
Marched the history of our earth.
From Bronze Age man, the early Sabine
Recognised this rolling land
And merged into the countless hills
Which even now bear evidence
Of his respectful tenure.

It’s there for us to see,
As perched atop our vantage point
Towards the end of time
We delve among the sleepy hilltop villages
And ordered rows of olive groves
To find the scattered evidence
Of mighty Roman cult succumb
To mystical Byzantium.

The disparate land bore host in time
To Greeks and Gauls, and from its earth
Grew saints whose influence
Inspired great ochre monasteries
To which believers trekked on routes of faith,
Laying firm the comfort of those names
Which to this day remain.

And further down the centuries
Their message is reborn
In ducal palaces
Where music and great works of art
Impart the glory and the passion fixed
For all to hear and see
And ponder on the everlasting mystery.

John H Davies
1st July 2011

Thursday, 30 June 2011


She gave me
a second hand copy
of Love in the Time
of Cholera
and I asked her
to water the flowers
on her birthday.

John H Davies
30th June 2011

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Sea Breeze

As I walked along the tree lined green lane
in the early evening, the sound of wind
gently pulsing through unseen branches overhead
reminded me of waves rolling over a shingle beach,
though I was nowhere near the sea.

John H Davies
29th June 2011

Tuesday, 28 June 2011


She cut my hair
with the confidence
of one who’d
been doing it
for years,
but it didn’t
improve my headache,
or hers.

John H Davies
28th June 2011

Monday, 27 June 2011

Honey Trap

They came looking for their queen
and couldn’t escape,
these bees,
scattered on the window sill
in random stillness,
like upturned turtles;
spider fodder.

John H Davies
27th June 2011

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Late evening summer ride

A familiar shadow follows alongside.
I know it is me, because the
shirt is vibrating in the wind
and white noise fills the ears
and insects smack against cheeks
and smells of summer vegetation
and wood smoke and petrol
and burnt oil against the exhaust,
garnish the machine gun chatter
of the single eighty four millimetre
bore and ninety millimetre stroke
firing at every lamp post,
and for a brief moment man, machine
and road are phased in perfect rhythm.

John H Davies
26th June 2011