As we go

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Saturday, 5 March 2011

Obesity Advice

Part of her clinical role
was to advise people of the dangers
of being overweight,
but she wasn’t allowed to call them fat
for fear of hurting their feelings.

John H Davies
5th March 2011 

Friday, 4 March 2011


The moment we’re apart
I’m missing you
Familiar you.

No sooner have you left
I am bereft
And at a loss

It seems there is a cross
That I must bear
And if I dare

To take a breath and wait,
I’ll count my loss
To be a gain

For when I see your eyes
I’ll recognise
Familiar you.

John H Davies
4th March 2011

Thursday, 3 March 2011


It might be a slight movement
at the corner of an eye;
an involuntary twitch of the leg,
or a difference of
two barely discernible shades
of skin tone that betray
or admit,
or silently proclaim -
like a bell without a clapper,
or rebuke -
like the mute strike of a rifle shot
upon its target
before the deafening report.

John H Davies
3rd March 2011 

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Note To Myself

Just to let you know,
I won’t be answering the phone today.
Nor will I wind the clocks
or check my emails.

I’ll allow another day’s facial growth
and use yesterday’s socks and boxers.
I won’t be cooking a meal,
might boil an egg at best.

The post box won’t get emptied
and I won’t put out the bins.
I won’t brush teeth, shower
or buy the Sunday papers.

The TV will stay on standby.
The hanging baskets will have to wait
till tomorrow. But I will feed the dog,
and the bloody goldfish.

I won’t sort the recycling
or put on a load of washing.
I definitely won’t reconcile bank statements
or think about work tomorrow.

Depressed? Not a bit of it. Today
I am in control of my life, and I
won’t finish this poem to prove it.

John H Davies
2nd March 2011

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Viral Transport

From the darkened room,
looking into the scene,
I drifted along 
the whirr of the projector
and through the screen
across the void of a hundred miles
onto a grey London pavement
rebounding raindrops
and footfalls of strangers
hurrying across the frame
with umbrellas, avoiding
a passing bus as it ploughed
through a puddle.
And from my cocoon
the image offered
a strange comfort
that would linger within me
like herpes.

John H Davies
1st March 2011 

Monday, 28 February 2011


Despite the time apart and the anticipation
of seeing her again; the cleaning and tidying;
clipping the dog, and cooking her favourite meal,

she was disappointed that nothing had changed,
and that the hopes of how things might be, 

or even ought to be, in her mind, were that much
further from reality. And this reluctant understanding
didn’t make her feel any better.

John H Davies
28th February 2011 

Sunday, 27 February 2011


You came with me on the last day
and wiped down window sills
and skirting boards with a fresh smelling
all purpose cleaner, and I filled the odd hole
in the wall and cleaned the toilets
and swept the workshop floor ready
to hand back to the landlord.

And before we left, we stood in the empty
space and you held me like you do,
and I knew that the next step
would be even better than the last.

John H Davies
27th February 2011