As we go

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Saturday, 19 March 2011


The sandstone steps are worn cradle smooth
by the centuries’ tread of the clock winder.

But cobwebs have gathered in the silent
spiralled gloom since he had his stroke

and no-one could be found to take over -
no-one reliable anyway, save a stranger

who studies the new self winding mechanism
with a dubious nod to a small boy at his side

in a starched surplice, yawning a shiver because
there’s no organ to pump, and no rope to pull

since the crack appeared in the tenor bell which
won’t get repaired, because the new-comers

don’t like the din. They see it all as clearly
as a clump of mistletoe that emerges amongst the

high boughs when autumn leaves are shed.
The clock still runs, but the crib is deserted.

John H Davies
19th March 2011

Friday, 18 March 2011

Libya UN Resolution 1973

Couldn’t we resolve
not to get involved,
so we might feel absolved
from attempts to dissolve
something that ought to evolve
without our resolve?

John H Davies
18th March 2011 

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Blot on the landscape

I saw a blue dog once,
outside a factory in Gujarat.

The factory gate was kept
closed, my host said,

because all the men inside
were blue as well.

John H Davies
17th March 2011 

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Quantitative Measures

We all have our moments;
whether fuelled by frustration
or filled with good intent,
sometimes ending in elation
but more likely discontent;
we all have our moments.

John H Davies
16th March 2011 

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


I wish I didn’t know
how far it is
to the nearest star,

or that it would take
our fastest craft 50,000 years
to get there.

I wish I hadn’t learnt
that there are 400 billion
stars in our galaxy

and 500 billion
galaxies to date
that we can estimate.

I wish my horizon
was where the land stops
and the sky starts,

for then I might understand
why everything seems
so important -

the way that animals do;
whose only world
is that within their view.

How I wish I didn’t know
how far it is
to the nearest star.

John H Davies
15th March 2011 

Monday, 14 March 2011

Friend or faux

When visiting my grandmother
I always hunted for the fox stole
in her wardrobe.
It smelt old fashioned and musty
with a hint of lavender
as I buried my nose deep
in the soft fur.

I never saw her wear it
except in black and white photographs,
and such things were long since
out of fashion, as we slid
into the synthetic age
and complained how cruel it was
farming animals to keep warm,
even though there was an awkward ring
of authenticity we chose to ignore,
(and it was alright to grow animals
to eat of course.)

Until the oil began to run short
and the cry went up
for renewable alternatives
and someone dared to come out
of the musty old closet and suggest
that it hadn’t been such a bad idea
after all.

John H Davies
14th March 2011 

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Throwing Stones

People sniff
when Colonel Gaddafi
offers $400
to anyone who
supports him.

But those in
glass houses…
Gordon Brown
called them
Tax Credits.

John H Davies
13th March 2011