As we go

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Saturday, 28 May 2011


Why fall we pray so often
To the victim of our passionate response
To some small thing
Whose harmony does not accord with ours?
Do matters thus exert some hidden power on us
To form a righteous verdict
And disturb our peace of mind?
Are we so fragile as to feel compelled
To form opinions and so dispel
The hopes and fears of others likewise trapped?

The choice is ours. Aurelius says:
Escape from man’s true sin
Is so to exercise the knowledge
That our souls cannot be marked
By any outward thing,
Unless we let it in.

John H Davies
28th May 2011

Friday, 27 May 2011

Silver Screen

She took me out to watch a movie
for some light entertainment
and instead we saw a film
about the Australian underworld
in which practically everyone
met a miserable end, but despite
the content we emerged from the
theatre feeling strangely uplifted.

John H Davies
27th May 2011 

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Flor Y Sol

The flowers are in bloom
but the sun isn’t shining.

I had thought the two
went hand in hand;

that one was a prerequisite
of the other, or that

the other heralded the
splendour of the one.

But sometimes the two
don’t go hand in hand,

and they are poorer for it.

John H Davies
26th May 2011 

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Dawn Chorus

There wasn’t much for a child to do
in the small bungalow and all you could see
from the bedroom window as we lay together
in the grey of the morning, were five
telegraph wires like a stave of music,
and as the birds perched upon them in
a seemingly arbitrary fashion, Nana hummed
the melody they described from pole
to pole in her soft Welsh contralto.

John H Davies
25th May 2011 

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Path of Least Resistance

The path of least resistance
can also be the path best lit;
the path along which the traveller
needs no map or compass,
and with a little wind behind,
the gentle gradient will carry him
to his yet undisclosed destination.

John H Davies
24th May 2011 

Monday, 23 May 2011

Parallel Universe

There is a quiet place
on the outskirts of the village
from which you can spy
all the landmarks of your life.

The school you didn’t attend;
the fields of buttercups
through which we wouldn’t roam;

Old Windmill Hill, up which
I don’t see you running with a kite;
and over the brow, our home
where you never grew up.

The church where you weren’t
Christened, but instead a short
service brought you here to rest

locked in your six weeks
of what might have been,
where I return from time to time
to find out how you’re doing.

John H Davies
23rd May 2011

Sunday, 22 May 2011


If I had to save anything
from the burning house,
it would be the books.

I could live pretty well
with nothing but a book;
to feel, to smell, to feed
my mind and fan the flames.

And when the lights go out
I will light a candle
and read my books.

John H Davies
22nd May 2011