As we go

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Thursday, 3 October 2013

String theory

All I remember of her
is a sound of peeing
from the next door room,
an urgent stream followed by a grunt,
and a mysterious glimpse of white string
between her legs;
and afternoon tea at The George
during term; and her tears
as I sang in chapel. Welsh lamb
served in leopard print.
Panic at the smallest event
when driving; a joke about a duck;
and my baby nose immersed
in her warm, wet mouth.
But that's all.

John H Davies
25th IV 2010

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Tiny specs of yellow
against the blue and disappointing sea.

A grey sky and a calm day;
almost millpond.
We hadn't worried about our cargo

as we returned on the falling tide.
And half way home,
a mile from shore,
a long way;

the butterfly crossed our bow,
skimming the homely miles;

rebuffing our last port of call.
Lapping and disappearing
into the reef.

No perch.
Yet what vigour;
what heart
pumps this dainty thing?

Wings of lace
to some purpose.
Radar and spark,
on a futile wind.

John H Davies

1st X 2013