As we go

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Saturday, 16 April 2011


Who knows how many years
it had avoided detection?
The rusting tip of a plough share,
come to light lately only
by the solitary investigation
of a curious child amongst the
furrowed troughs of clay
and brought home to be
presented as a holy relic
and placed on top of the wall
in the back yard and forgotten
again, by all except the birds,
that queue for a position
on the metal altar with dainty
pilgrim footfalls, as it warms
in the morning sunshine.

John H Davies
16th April 2011 

Friday, 15 April 2011

Me and who’s army?

‘Honorary Colonel of the Revolutionary Army
of the Rio Poco Sol, San Juan District,’

had a certain ring of the tin pot about it,

but to me it was better than any regimental silver;
a set of hallmarks of the highest sovereignty.

John H Davies
15th April 2011 

Thursday, 14 April 2011


There it was again: a low frequency hum
lasting only a few seconds, its source
within his head; always a sustained note
never wavering, though random in pitch
with a constant volume fading neatly to silence.

He’d never met anyone who heard
the same hum, at the same time and anyway,
was reluctant to share the phenomenon
in case he was considered a bit strange,
but he liked to think he had a special gift.

Perhaps his finely attuned senses detected
seismic shifts that might forewarn disaster,
as someone passed through the space
he occupied in a different dimension,
stirring the fading rhythms of the ancients.

John H Davies
14th April 2011 

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Astral Projection

A row of concrete ceiling slabs,
is the view when I open my eyes
in my head, and it feels oddly normal.

Everything where it should be:
the shelf beneath the glassless window
with concrete pill-box slits
instead of bars, that I pretend
are Elizabethan mullions,
against which the sun casts shadows
and gives form to the idling time.

But there is no sound, as my mind
conjures images of home,
and fights off the daily hunger pang
arriving promptly as the long case
clock down in the hall strikes seven.

John H Davies
13th April 2011 

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A. V.

A.V. or not A.V.
now let me see…
give one side or another
the chance to pip the post,
then suffer in silence
while they spend
the next five years
making sure
they pip the post again.

Why don’t we
instead, you see…
let them vote
for themselves,
while we vote for
the important things
which it would be
their duty to implement?
Now that is the question.

John H Davies
12th April 2011 

Monday, 11 April 2011


Although they both walked
along the same street
side by side
enjoying the same view,
she was aware
that what they both saw
would be different,
and that someone else
walking that same way
on a different day
would choose to notice
other things
in a different light.
And as she applied
this thought to the
elderly couple in front,
or the kids over the road,
she understood
how sometimes
she was misunderstood.

John H Davies
11th April 2011 

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Shenton’s Heroes

In the months and years
that followed the overdose,
they met from time to time
and walked up a hill
in his memory
and got hopelessly drunk
on the way home.
And on one of these trips
they reverently vowed
to step in early
if any of them looked
like going the same way.

John H Davies
10th April 2011