As we go

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Saturday, 23 April 2011

Making History

I’ve got this knawing suspicion
that it’s all going to be OK.
And whilst there is an element
of relief and self assurance about it,
what irritates me is that
I’ll no doubt look back
and think it wasn’t so bad after all,
when the urgency of the present
is screaming out to remind 
my future self that
it didn’t feel like it at the time.

John H Davies
23rd April 2011 

Friday, 22 April 2011


We ascended through spring
pastures of wild crocuses
and Edelweiss, and with
every gaining step
your life regressed by
increments, minute by
minute, so that  by
the time we scrambled
along the ridge towards
the summit, you were a
child again, unable to contain
your breathless joy in the 
thin air, with trembling knees
that reminded me of the
excitement I felt when 
I thought I was about to
make a new friend.

John H Davies
22nd April 2011

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Crossing a Bridge

A territorial dispute
or a perfect union,
the knarled trunk
barged up between
the ancient stones
of the bridge
like a bulging vein
but oddly accommodated;
conjoining animate
with inanimate,
injecting life
into the forgotten
structure as it slowly
forces it apart.

John H Davies
21st April 2011 

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Foxy Cat

Foxy Cat is flat.
I know this because I narrowly missed
his steaming carcass the other day
on my way to work.

We weren’t that fond
of Foxy Cat, but for his
incongruous brown brush
set against an otherwise cloudy cotton coat,
now embossed with tractor tyre tread.

Notable only for winding up our dog
was Foxy Cat,
and terrorizing the neighbour’s rabbit
by standing beyond the French windows
out of reach.

Each day I pass,
his pancake imprint becomes less.
Until one day there’ll be nothing left
of Foxy Cat.
One wrong turn -
his earthly contribution
faded to less than a memory.

John H Davies
20th April 2011

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Cwm Megan

The birds sing all day long
in Megan’s valley
despite the rain
dripping from a fir
that both threatens
yet guards the old cot
like a tall shepherd,
growing taller
as the other grows old,
drawing memory from the earth
like rising sap
regenerating simpler times
and fixing them
in the mellifluous tones
of the birds that sing all day long
in Megan’s valley.

19th April 2011
John H Davies

Monday, 18 April 2011


I didn’t believe in signs
or omens until we discovered
a hoary toad in the yard
when we moved the business.

It was sure to mean good luck
because my friend and partner
is known as the jovial toad
(of Toad Hall you understand)

and just before we had time
to tell him, we found the toad
squashed by a van and I don’t
think I believe in signs any more.

John H Davies
18th April 2011 

Sunday, 17 April 2011


As he waited for the radiologist
to x-ray his hip, he tried to fix
the moment when he ceased
being a vibrant individual human
being and became just another
elderly person who fell
when the door closed on him
because he wasn’t strong enough
to hold it open against the spring.

John H Davies
17th April 2011